This is me.

This is me.
Best Friends Ever

Monday, January 18, 2010

Weekend Numero Uno!!!

So, we went canopying (zip-lining) and rafting yeasterday!!! It was a blast! We were in the Rio Sarapiqui and with a company called Pozo Azul (Blue Well). Elena's padre is the boss of the whole place and got us a huge discount! We zip lined first and then had lunch there and then rafted. It was so fun! I really want to go back to learn how to kayak and I want to go zip lining again in the rain. It is really fun to start to get to know people here and to learn more what it is like to live like a Tico, "Pura Vida". This phrase they use all the time, it means pure life when they say thank you, or the answer a question like "How are you?"...Pura vida. Saying I'm well. I am having a hard time writing this in English because I am always trying to think about how things are said in Spanish.

Many mornings some of us have gotten up to go running, something not really common here. The people all stare at us, one, because we're clearly American, and two, because we are running. haha. Why would someone ever want to do that?


  1. Catherine! I love the pictures! It is so exciting to hear that it is hard for you to type in English! It means you are really getting into the culture! Today I ate dinner with Heather and she said sorry she forgot cookies. She also taught me how to not sing nasaly! So glad you are having fun!

  2. Nate, Caroline and Jack are jealous of you zip-lining! It's quite an upgrade from Grandmom and Granddad's barn! :) So glad you are having a great time. Have you dreamed in Spanish yet??

  3. I dreamt the other night and I was talking in spanish, but I could definately tell that I was not fluent in the dream. I was really encouraged though when that happened!
